7/3 12:04
hello testing testing 123 :)
Met 12:04
Hello A+ for test confirmed
Exchanged numbers 12:04
9/3 11:24
Friends? 11:29
Yay 11:30
12/3 18:24
Hey whatcha up to?
Read 18:25
going out for drinks w some friends haha wbu?
Read 18:26
Oh nice! Be careful
Thumbs Up 18:26
And just showing my sister the video you showed me today haha
Heart Fluttered 18:27
ahaha i will and ooh yeah? how'd she find it?
Read 18:28
She said she really liked it and she likes your music taste haha
Butterflies 18:30
aww she's so sweet haha pls tell her i like her music taste too hehe
Ended Up Forgetting to Tell Sister
Ya will do and I don't wanna keep you from your friends so enjoy your night out and drink safely haha
Thumbs Up 18:43
14/3 15:20
wait for it
Waiting 15:20
°O° 15:21
Definitely worth the wait
Heart Melted 15:22
15/3 21:43
Read 21:47
Read 21:49
Read 21:49
Just wanted to see what you doing
Smiled 21:50
oh haha nothing rlly, you?
Read 21:50
Well ive had a random thought you how good can you handle horror?
Intrigued 21:52
im alright haha why
Gears Spinning in Head 21:53
How alright are we talking
Read 21:55
its better in person bc ill scream from the jump scares
Excited 21:57
but during movie isnt too bad
Nodded Head 21:57
Ok perfect
Sus 21:57
ill just get a bit paranoid after the movie ends
Excited 21:57
why do ya ask haha
Read 21:58
Nah I just think we should definitely see a horror movie together
Thumbs Up 21:59
But now im here thinking I will be the bigger bitch
Laughed 21:59
When are you done with your assignment?
Interested 22:00
Thumbs Up 22:00
Read 22:00
On Wednesday
Thumbs Up 22:01
Read 22:01
Youre done and im free...
Read 22:01
Just sayin
Read 22:02
Read 22:04
let's do it
Thumbs Up 22:05
19/3 10:38
How'd the assignment go?
(×﹏×) 10:40
(っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ 10:41
done and actually gave me nightmares i never wanna look at it ever again
Mood 10:42
Read 10:42
My dinner told me my fate
Confused 10:43
Laughed 10:44
I bs'ed it so much idk whats real anymore
Laughed 10:45
But now that we're both done, we still on for movies today?
Thumbs Up 10:48
ya ya what time and did you wanna come over or go to yours?
Read 10:49
Idm, whichever's easiest
Thumbs Up 10:50
okie just come over to mine in like an hour then? we can order lunch too
Thumbs Up 10:51
Thumbs Up 10:52
20/3 19:31
so have you thought about your rebuttal from yesterday?
Nodded Head 19:33
I have indeed
Curious 19:34
You are lucky you are cute otherwise I would be very disappointed
Aww 19:35
I have to check over the 3 seasons to see if your hatred is valid
Read 19:36
well what can i say, youre gonna be feeling shameful when you realise what a tool he is HAHA
Smiled 19:37
Aight it's a lot of pressure I gotta do my mans Ted proud
Laughed 19:39
nah im sure whatever youve got to back him up is better than his character
Oh Dayum 19:40
Woah who are you
Laughed 19:40
Ok ok I see how it is
Laughed 19:41
Man my cheeks hurt
Oh No ): 19:42
I need to stop smiling so much but I cant stop this is all your fault
Blushed 19:43
guess it can't be helped, im too damn adorable
Damn Right 19:44
Ya damn right babe
Babe? 19:46
... did you just call me babe?
Sweated Nervously 19:47
Heart Raced 19:47
Blanked 19:47
No mb autocorrect
Smiled Unconsciously 19:48
Smiled Unconsciously 19:49
... you turned off your autocorrect though :0
Caught 19:50
Ok sue me for trying to have a cute nickname ):
Nawww 19:51
oke Casanova
Heart Warmed 19:52
23/3 00:12
Thumbs Up 00:12
I will
Chuckled 00:12
idk if its my phone or is the audio not working?
Agreed 00:13
Oh wait hang on the call disconnected for me
): 00:!3
oh mines still going
Weird 00:14
ill hang up did uyou wanna try again?
Thumbs Up 00:14
Yeah you call
Dialed 00:15
28/3 03:32
Happy 3:32am
Smiled Unconsciously 09:44
I suddenly felt like telling you youre cute
Caught Deep Feelings 09:45
So I am rn
Happy 09:45
Hey youre cute
Giddy (≧◡≦) ♡ 09:46
Ok im sleepy so im going back to bed now
Giggled 09:46
28/3 09:48
naww YOURE the qt
Smiled 10:29
i hope you have the loveliest day possible and conquer all your goals today !!
Heart Melted 10:29
28/3 10:29
Your just too cute
Internally Cringed But Ignored 10:36
And same, hope you have a great day cutie
Heart Warmed 10:37
4/4 22:03
Whatcha up to?
Read 22:04
studying haha
Wow 22:04
Oh shit sorry for bothering, I'll leave you alone to study
Wants Attention, Come Back 22:05
nah alg haha just finished
Thumbs Up 22:05
wbu whatcha up to?
Read 22:05
Taking a much needed study break
Thumbs Up 22:06
But ngl all I did was write my name and student number on the doc
Laughed 22:06
well, choosing fonts be a hard task so round of applause
Laughed 22:07
Laughed 22:08
You up for a maccas run?
Thumbs Up 22:09
ya but only if we getting chic nuggies
Laughed 22:09
Duh ofc, I'm not an animal
Laughed 22:10
Pick you up in 20?
Thumbs Up 22:10
4/4 22:33
Im outside
Outside 22:34
7/4 19:38
Want to walk Charlie with me?
Wishful 19:40
i wish
Read 19:40
got some rlly bad cramps
(つ . •́ _ʖ •̀ .)つ 19:40
being a girl sucks i stg )):
Read 19:40
But being my girl wouldn't
Heart Melted 19:41
Would you feel better if I brought Charlie over?
Giddy (≧◡≦) ♡ 19:42
Cuteness Overload 19:43
yis pls 🥺
Thumbs Up 19:42
13/4 16:54
Knock knock
Opened 16:55
who's there? :0
Read 16:55
Lost 16:56
hatch who
Laughed 16:56
Bless you
Laughed 16:57
Laughed 16:58
ur lame :P
(°▽°)/ 16:58
Yeah but it made you laugh so really, who's the lame one
Laughed 16:59
still you, for liking lame me
Smiled 17:00
Why you gotta be such a bitch
Laughed 17:01
puh-lease like this isn't what you signed up for when you confessed to me hehe
Unconsciously Let Out a Small Chuckle 17:02
I regret my decision and all that it has led me in life today
Happy 17:02
Lemme justt take it back real quick
Happy 17:02
nope srry no take backsies
Happy 17:03
): 17:04
): 17:04
15/4 19:29
i saw you were laughing a lot more than usual today
Crying 19:29
is everything alright? i saw the pain behind your smile
Hysterical Crying 19:30
18/4 19:09
CASANOVA called. No Voicemail message was left. For more information on this feature, free call 666 from your mobile phone.
Missed Call 19:09
CASANOVA called. No Voicemail message was left. For more information on this feature, free call 666 from your mobile phone.
Missed Call 19:10
CASANOVA called. No Voicemail message was left. For more information on this feature, free call 666 from your mobile phone.
Missed Call 19:10
Frustrated 19:11
Im calling you we keep missing each other
Amused But Ok 19:11
19/4 17:02
Hello, check Spotify
w(°o°)w 17:05
I made a playlist for you :)
(´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ 17:06
3/5 09:03
Good morninggg princess
Heart Fluttered 09:14
goood morning bby
Smiled 09:17
You look really cute today
Heart Melted 09:19
you havent even seen me yet though
Smiled 09:20
Well first of all
Read 09:20
I already know
Heart Melted 09:21
Read 09:21
Snap streaks
Shit, Forgot 09:22
7/5 12:48
text us when you get here
Got Out of Car 12:50
Just parked on lvl 4
Read 12:51
WHere are y0ou guys rn?
Read 12:51
were heading to food court
Seen 12:52
9/5 18:40
im ordering food, what do you want?
Stomach Grumbled 18:42
Betty's Burgers please, ty
Thumbs Up 18:43
your usual? do you want w a milkshake too or
Thumbs Down 18:44
Ya usual but no milkshake
Thumbs Up 18:45
Hungry 18:45
13/5 16:57
Wanna try that new Chinese place near yours?
Read 17:00
can we do another night?
Oh 17:02
im kinda having a bad day
(。•́︿•̀。) 17:04
What's wrong? Do you wanna talk about it?
(。•́︿•̀。) 17:06
the girl in my group for this assignment is
(ง'̀-'́)ง 17:07
Read 17:07
Read 17:08
Read 17:08
Read 17:09
idk how to say it tho
Read 17:10
Throw words out
Read 17:11
Ill put them together
Heart Melted 17:12
If it's easier to say it out loud can call?
Dial 17:12
13/5 23:44
Gooood morning to my beautiful bestest fren in da entire world
O.O 23:47
it's 11 at night..
(・_・ヾ 23:49
Ok well you're supposed to be asleep rn and weren't supposed to open that message until the morning so fuck off I was trying to be cute
\(^▽^)/ 23:50
aww youre too cute lmao thats adorable i love you ok goodnight
Grrr ヾ(`ヘ´)ノ゙ 23:51
Can't let you go to bed sad
Awed (´꒳`)♡ 23:52
I love you are you feeling better now do you want me to come over to cuddle you to sleep?
Buttetrflies 23:53
my family are visiting and staying over so can you sleep on the phone with me instead then?
Thumbs Up 23:54
Of course
Dial 23:55
15/5 14:02
I hit a tree
Panicked 14:03
Read 14:03
omg are you okay?!
Read 14:03
or should i say OAKy hehe
Rolled Eyes 14:04
haha srry
Read 14:04
but actually tho
Read 14:04
Ya I'm fine, tree is fine also, but my car however...
Σ(・口・) 14:05
Σ(・口・) 14:05
I'm not happy but it's not the end of the world
): 14:06
Imma head over to Uncle Joe's to patch it up
Thumbs Up 14:07
oh okay glad to hear youre alright and
Read 14:08
ngl i was expecting worse like when you scraped it against the fence
Grrr 14:08
text me when youre safely at Uncle Joe's, ill cook your favourite for dinner
Thumbs Up 14:09
Aight well I was 18 ok that was like a week after I got my licence, Uncle Joe helped me fix it :(
Flashback 14:11
And will do, Im omw over now
Thumbs Up 14:12
15/5 15:23
Im here now, he says easy fix so I can swing by yours before dinner easy
Thumbs Up 15:29
ok ez
Read 15:30
also, ive been thinking about this... if i was a tree though, you know what i would be?
Oh Boi 15:31
... A pine tree?
Boo 15:32
... 15:34
You need help
): 15:35
don't hate me for going out on a limb here
Oh No 15:36
): 15:38
Crap 15:39
No 15:40
Questioned Life 15:42
I cant
ヾ(`ヘ´)ノ゙ 15:43
You've started the puns I cant not, theyre so bad
Laughed 15:45
hehe well im keeping you company
Grateful 15:45
what did one ocean say to the other ocean?
Ah Oh No 15:46
Nothing they waved
Yay 15:47
are you shore?
Shook Head 15:47
IDk why I am going along with this omg
Hehe Giggled 15:48
damn you dont need to be such a beach about it
Cringed 15:52
Read 15:54
Water you doing?
Read 15:55
nothing :P
Read 15:56
I sea
Oh Wow 15:57
lmao damn we're bad omg
Angy 16:00
Hey I never said I was good with puns
Agreed 16:04
Like yours were any better lmao
Scoffed 16:05
they were bad on purpose mmmk ):
Shook Head 16:08
Lmao ok
Read 16:10
Read 16:13
how's the car going
Read 16:13
Idk. He explained some stuff I didn't understand, but he said he's almost done so
Thumbs Up 16:15
15/5 17:04
Bout to leave Uncle Joe's
Thumbs Up 17:11
Omw over to yours
Yay 17:11
20/5 23:08
Ok what the fuck was that snap you just sent
In a sad bad mood 23:10
Youre a goddess
Sad 23:10
A work of art
Scoffed 23:10
why do i feel like youre teasing me aagain
Frowned 23:11
I am not
Unsure 23:12
And ill be reminding you about this everyday
Crying 23:13
asfdhhkjghfgdlh no youre gonna embarrass me
Read 23:13
Id rather you be embarrassed because Im complimenting you than you feeling insecure
Sobbing 23:14
srry i just got anxious and needed validation )):
Sad But Understanding 23:14
Youre so cute and pretty and so so smart and wholesome and talented and special and I am the luckiest person alive to be with you and to have you in my life
Sobbing Uncontrollably 23:17
Ok Ill validate the heck out of you
Smiled Through Ugly Tears 23:18
Get you a lil membership card too
Sniffled 23:18
For being my girl
Heart Fluttered 23:18
Stamp stamp stomp
Laughed With Tears 23:18
how are you so cute im crying ohmygod
Heart Warmed 23:19
can you pleawe come over i need your hugs
Grabbed Car Keys 23:19
Gimme 15 omw
Heart Melted 23:20
25/5 21:09
Read 21:11
I love you
Heart Attack? 21:11
sosososososo mucchhhh
Oh Ok 21:11
How much did you have to drink tonight?
Didn't Actually Read
And I love you
And Definitely Didn't Read
25/5 22:54
Thos is not the tequila talkong I'M texting you
Laughed 22:55
I love you
Emotional 22:58
Yes you do
Too Drunk To Read This
I love you
Too Drunk For This Too
I love you
Love 00:00
26/5 01:23
can you pick me up please
Grabbed Keys 01:25
I'm kinda drunk
Chuckled 01:25
Send me your location
Danced 01:25
I love that song
Chuckled 01:25
I love you
Sobered Up Enough To Read This
damn rihgt you better bc i'm fuckibg adorkable man
Chuckled 01:26
Yes adorkable
Nickname Adorkable Stuck
Pick up the call where are you I'm omw
Someone Else Dialed 01:27
1/6 00:14
You better not fall asleep again
Promised 00:15
ya i won't
Sus 00:15
1/6 00:29
ok srry i just fell asleep )):
Chuckled 00:30
2/6 09:41
Good morning 🥰
Smiled 09:54
good morningg
Frowned 09:59
Bitch resend that and add some love to it
Laughed 10:01
Chuckled 10:01
Satisified 10:02
better now?
Thumbs Up 10:03
bitch it's too early that's the most energy youre getting from me rn
Chuckled 10:03
Ty much appreciated cutie
Smiled 10:04
2/6 20:31
? 20:31
I just typed nose w my nose
Laughed 20:32
Laughed 20:33
And Imma call you with my toe
Oh Wow 20:36
3/6 01:57
Can I call you?
Heart Fluttered 01:59
I'm listening to music rn but it's not satisfying
Heart Melted 02:00
I want to hear your voice
Heart Stopped Beating 02:00
5/6 21:18
he's upset he didn't get cuddles after you left
Virtual cuddle 21:56
Virtual cuddle 21:56
10/6 23:57
Ayo you still up
Status: Online 24:00
yis yis c:
Read 24:01
playing some among us rn
Read 24:01
You down to call in 20?
Thumbs Up 24:03
not sure how long we're going for but sure
Thumbs Up 24:04
is everything alright? ://
Thumbs Up 24:04
Yeah allg
Read 24:09
Idk i just feel like calling
Read 24:09
I missed hearing your voice
Heart Fluttered 24:10
13/6 08:54
bby we have a timer on snap ohmygod
Oops 09:00
... Good morning to you too babe :(
Oops 09:03
good morning!!
Shook Head 09:05
Fixed it! Mb sorry
Smiled 09:06
15/6 17:21
are you happy?
? 17:52
Random much
Read 17:59
Where's this coming from?
Read 17:59
idk :/
Read 18:02
i got sad all of a sudden and thought you weren't happy being w me so i need validation that it's only in my head
:/ 18:03
I'm happy only when I talk to you
Heart Fluttered 18:09
You drive me crazy a lot
Heart Melted 18:09
And you do and say a lottt of dumb shit
Laughed 18:10
But I wouldn't fucking trade it for anything
Love 18:11
17/6 21:48
Heart Melted 21:51
Someone's ready for bed
Goodnight Charlie 21:52
19/6 11:38
Ok omg sorry don't kill me I lost our streak
Sad 11:47
20/6 11:21
Seen 11:25
wtf is this thing and how do i print
Laughed 11:25
dont laugh at me ):<
Laughed 11:25
Why didn't you ask someone at the printing service?
Confused 11:29
Angry 11:29
i did
:0 11:31
they redirected me back to that monster machine-
Laughed 11:34
Youre a big gorl you can fight the big bad monster
Rolled Eyes 11:36
it's barely midday and youre just trying to get rid of me so you can go back to playing league )):
Busted 11:38
The boys are relying on me
Shook Head 11:39
21/6 16:41
We have a streak again :)
Heart Warmed 16:45
30/6 23:59
i have the perfect text post
Excited 23:59
Laughed 23:59
It's still June though lmao
Dammit 23:59
dammit one min off
Exhaled Through Nose 00:00
Better luck next time babe
Cri 00:00
dammit gRr ok goodnight
Goodnight 00:00
Lmao ok goodnight cutie
Goodnight 00:00
2/7 20:26
babe close your eyes pls
Eyes Closed 20:28
Thumbs Up 20:28
Didn't See
what do you see??
Saw Nothing
Didn't See
pls answer dis
Time to answer 20:33
Well shit man how the fuck you think I'm going to respond if my eyes are closed?
Wrong 20:35
Exhaled Through Nose 20:39
Well you don't need to try to be cute, calm down you already are
Smiled 20:41
4/7 15:58
I am making dinner tonight
:0 16:04
You should come over after you finish work
Blessed 16:04
ok sure yes pls
Thumbs Up 16:07
I'm making spaghetti and meatballs
Pun Time 16:08
Dontcha mean swaghetti and memeballs hehe
Why 16:10
Ok you're uninvited
(。•́︿•̀。) 16:16
yeah ok that's fair
Sighed 16:19
Call me when youre closeby the station Ill pick you up and we'll have swaghetti and memeballs
Heart Melted 16:21
11/7 19:34
Most people call me Lachie but you can call me anytime
Confused 19:35
Read 19:35
you DO realise that we're together now and you dont need to use pick up lines on me anymore right?
Read 19:36
Ik lmao yeah
Shook Head 19:36
No seriously, please call me.
Panicked 19:37
is everything alright???!!!
Read 19:37
Ya I'm standing at the aisle. Idk what toilet paper do we get?
Read 19:38
why? are you at coles rn?
Read 19:39
bc can you get us some milk too pls?
Thumbs Up 19:40
Ok what milk do we get?
... 19:41
13/7 12:32
Read 12:33
Read 12:33
What's wrong?
Read 12:34
I think I'm getting sick )))):
Sad 12:34
but I dunno whatss
Wow 12:35
Ok so like what's wrong?
Read 12:35
like fever and i like cant breathe
Wow 12:35
just breathe lol
Can't breathe 12:36
lol it's not that hard
Eye roll 12:36
oh ok doc sir-
Laughed 12:36
I'm joking, are you actually alright? Need me to come over?
Heart Fluttered 12:37
no and yes pls
Read 12:38
Ok gimme like 10 to get ready
Thumbs Up 12:39
13/7 12:51
Heart racing 12:53
16/7 14:40
CASANOVA called. No Voicemail message was left. For more information on this feature, free call 666 from your mobile phone.
Missed Call
I'm driving with Do Not Disturb While Driving turned on. I'll see your message when I arrive at my destination. I'm not receiving notifications. If this is urgent, reply "urgent" to send a notification through with your original message.
20/7 18:21
Wtf theres a fucking oul outside my window
°O° 18:26
? 18:26
Oh 18:27
Oww 18:27
Oh Honey 18:27
How dafuq do you spell it
Amused 18:28
Hoot hoot
Snorted 18:29
Theres a hooter outside my window
Howled With Laughter 18:29
lmao did you mean an owl
It Was This Moment He Knew... He Fucked Up 18:30
Heart Melted 18:36
Yeah a fucking owl
Laughed 18:36
LMAO ok facetime me omg
Opened Snapchat Instead 18:37
22/7 17:49
Guess who came back and made a friend today
°O° 17:53
Read 17:57
Huh? 17:59
wtf that's not hooter lmao thats a diff owl omg
Huh? 18:00
... 18:02
*speechless* 18:02
Mb oops lmao
Smiled Unconsciously 18:03
Well Geoff still made a friend so he still has more friends than us lmao
°O° 18:04
Snorted 18:05
Not too happy chappy tho
Chuckled 18:05
Snorted 18:06
Why does Geoff look like he wants to be OWL by himself lmao
... 18:06
... Geoff hates you, get out
): 18:07
Smiled Unconsciously 18:08
2/8 15:39
I find it funny that you wifi reaches the little park
Laughed 15:41
are you outside my house
Thumbs Up 15:41
Ye you betcha
Checked Outside Window 15:43
Lemme in
Heart Unlocked 15:43
14/8 13:51
hi what you doing tonight?
Surprised 13:54
Having dinner with Charlie
Wow 13:56
Laughed 15:34
it's not even 4... it's Charlie's nap time though
Shrugged 15:35
14/8 18:54
Say hi to my dinner date
Virtual Hi 18:57
srry what now-
Read 19:01
Heart Melted 19:02
20/9 21:26
can you pls send over the pic i took of Geoff last night at yours
Confused 21:27
dont ask me why, its for an assignment
Intrigued 21:28
Laughed (つ≧▽≦)つ 21:29
ty ty bby
Thumbs Up 21:30
10/10 13:47
are you today's date? because you're 10/10
Cringed 13:56
Are you made of dairy? Because that was so cheesy
Cringed 14:09
And im lactose intolerant
Rolled Eyes 14:09
yeah but you love cheese
Smiled 14:14
and you love me 😇
Nodded 14:15
sOooo 🤷🏻‍♀️
Read 14:!5
Damn right I do
Read 14:17
27/10 16:28
what should i be for halloween?
Googled List of Furry Costumes 16:57
My girlfriend :D
Spooked 17:02
ye that's p fucking scary
Grrrr 17:09
Aighttt bITCH-
Laughed 17:11
LMAO im kidding !!
Read 17:15
youre too cute
Shook Head 17:15
ofc im honoured to be your girlfriend
Smiled 17:16
but i sttill wanna dress up for halloween
Sighed 17:16
Ah aight ok we'll brainstorm tonight
Yay 17:20
14/12 15:45
hey i know we haven't spoken much and i wanna give you space but just wanted to check up on you bc you haven't been yourself lately. can you just please give me a sign you're okay?
Read Numbly 22:43
14/12 22:51
Yeah I'm fine.
Read, Got Sad 22:54
25/12 19:47
merry christmas, Casanova. hope youve been enjoying the blessed holiday with loved ones (:
Read in a Crowded Room Feeling Alone 21:28
1/1 00:04
hap[y new year! im drimling tonighr and truthfully, i could write a longg sappy paragrajph on new year sresolutions and all tht crap about lookig into the future positiively but we all know itll means jack shit next weekl. idk what im trying to say bbut this year''s gonna be a hared one. bc i can't seen to forget you bc hell i want to. but i dont want to lose the memoried and the momenta of happiness you brought into my life and for that... idk i fuxkung miss us
Skimmed 22:49
24/1 12:36
idk if you'll care, but i wanted to let you know i got my driver's licence today!!! i've been driving everywhere, like i've been to kmart 7 times this week and i don't even buy anything i just drive. sometimes i wonder what it'd be like picking you up and going on a night drive w you blasting lord huron the night we met w the sunroof open
Proud But Distant and Wishful 19:21
27/1 18:56
ahhh i saw a cute little doggo omw home from work
Smiled Faintly 23:13
idk why i'm telling you this, it reminded me of when we'd spot a dog and scream DOGGO together
Doesn't Want to Stroll down Memory Lane
13/2 20:45
it's valentine's day tomorrow and by god do i want to scream everytime i see a valentines post or ad or anything resembling love bc it's all fake. or maybe we weren't in love. or maybe we was just me. idk. im just so adsfdgfhgjkghfgd i hate this and i need to vent
Guilty? Not Guilty? Doesn't Know What to Think
16/3 21:20
you probably won't care but it's taken me many months and some hard thinking and you popped into my head right this moment. i thought i missed you. missed us and what we were and that you fucking broke me. but time waits for no one and i'm done waiting around for what ifs and could have beens if we were to try again. we deserve to be happy so i guess, in a way thank you for being part of these memories. and i just wanted to let you know i'm over you. completely. i hope you find happiness, in whoever, whatever, and wherever life leads you. when you said we were a team and nothing could come between us, oh god i believed you. and in a way you were right, nothing did come between us. it was us. so maybe we was just me. goodbye, casanova.
Seen via lockscreen 22:22